
Chapter 2 - Poems and Stories

So far there are three parts:


"Hoax News" - I have finished the conversation between Ashley and Faye yesterday. I don´t think I will need that much time to write the rest. Still I have to decide what to do with the planned parts: "Becoming Hoax" and "Inside Hoax". "The Very End" is complete in my head, I only have to write it. I think during August I will finish this part.


"Is This A Satire?" - I will begin with this part after "Hoax News".


"The World Of Love And Happiness" - this part becomes more and more important for me. I think I will add a lot during the next months.


Bad Friedrichshall, August 1st, 2017



"The Travel":

Since a longer time now I have a movie plot in my mind. Because I think I will never be able to realize a movie I´ve decided to try to use the plot for a story. The problem is that it would be a science fiction movie with not so many "action" but with astonishing visual settings. But maybe this is a nice challenge. The first lines I´ve written, I will continue when ever I have an idea.


"You Will Find A Cherry Tree Under the Sea":

This line came into my mind some time ago like the words "in-box" and "out-box", suddenly and unexpected. First I thought I will use it for a poem, but I think the the line is too good. It should become a story - no idea about what and when, but we will see.


"New Orleans Blues":

A short story came into my mind which I planned to write long ago - at the time where I planned and planned and planned.....

I have no real idea at the moment, but the short story should become the last chapter. So I need the story in front. My problem is I wasn´t in New Orleans so far. Okay, the short story is not in that sense necessarily connected to New Orleans, but to the South of the USA - but I wasn´t also in the South so far........

We will see.....


"The Endless Blue":

First destined as a poem for "Beautiful World". But as I decided to include "Beautiful World" into "The World of Love And Happiness" I hadn´t written the poem yet. Therefore it should become a poem for "The World Of Love And Happiness". But now I think also this has to become a story. More precise my story for January 2018. I have a vague idea and the headline of three chapters. The rest we will see in January.


Bad Friedrichshall, August 3rd, 2017



"It´s Too Late":

A new title, a new vague idea - we will see......


Bad Friedrichshall, August 31st, 2017



"Hoax News":

I´ve finished this part today. I dropped "Inside Hoax" and used "Becoming Hoax" as a bridge between "Visiting Hoax" and "The Very End". Also "The Very End" changed somewhat. Now it´s done....


Bad Friedrichshall, September 3rd, 2017



"Is This A Satire?":

I will start with this story now. But I will write no ongoing story. I will write small parts, like the topics came into my mind, like Mr. President provides them. I fear he will be much faster than I can use them, as I can write, and so much already there - how long he´s in office? After a part is finished I will see where I insert this part into the so far existing text - similar to "Dark Heart". I will start with a structure Hoax News report and Mr. President´s talking. I think I will expand this with the time also. This would mean, that the text might expands all the time at all passages. Also I can use my Hoax News motto now. Then one request: Please Mr. President, please don´t nuke North Korea before I´ve written my climax - Dr. Stranglove. Thanks for that!


Bad Friedrichshall, September 4th, 2017



"New Orleans Blues":

I will start with this part today. I have the feeling that it´s time for it. I have some basic ideas about how I should write this part. I will write the short story, the "end", first and then I will start to write the other chapters.

The title of the short story? Eric Burdon and War: "The Black-Man´s Burdon" - an album I heard for hours as I was young, the time that I had the idea for this short story.


Bad Friedrichshall, September 12th, 2017



"Is This A Satire?":

I doubted since some time and now I´m sure, that it´s wasted time, to continue with this part. The whole world knows that he´s an idiot and I think there are better ways to comment this than to write a satire. I think a better place is "The World Of Love And Happiness". Also I have the feeling I waste a lot of energy. I´ve finished "The Chinese Girl" today. "My Sweet Little Sixteen" and "New Orleans Blues" my energy should belong. And "The World Of Love And Happiness" is open for everything. I will keep "Is This A Satire?" as a fragment.


Bad Friedrichshall, September 28th, 2017



I will stop working on "New Orleans Blues" for a while, to concentrate on "My Sweet Little Sixteen".


Bad Friedrichshall, September 29th, 2017



After I´ve finished the hardboiled series so far, I will begin to work on the remaining stories. "To work", because I will write only till January, till my next aviation. Also, this parts will have no "plot" (apart from "The Travel" maybe), therefore, they will have no beginning and no end. I will work on them till January and with my aviation the part "The Day, When Nobody Died" will come to an end. Then I will begin with the part "Californian Dreams And Hopes". The remaining stories are:

"New Orleans Blues"

"The Travel"

"You Will Find A Cherry Tree Under The Sea"

"The Endless Blue"

"It´s Too Late"

Alone because it´s (sometimes) a kind of diary for me, I will continue with "The World Of Love And Happiness". But at a certain point, this part should be replaced of it´s own accord by "Californian Dreams And Hopes".


Bad Friedrichshall, November 26th, 2017



Now, today, I will finish the part "Poems and Stories" and therewith the complete part "The Day, When Nobody Died". Apart from "Hoax News" no sub-part is completed, all parts remain unfinished, as fragments. But this is no real problem - at least not for me. The only part who´s active from now on is "Californian Hopes And Dreams".


Bad Friedrichshall, January 16th, 2018

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